“this” Keyword

“this” refer to the object on which a method is being invoke. We can pass “this” as an argument in function, as in given examples:
example 1

<script type=”text/javascript”>
function focusTr(objTr){
objTr.style.background =”yellow”;
objTr.style.color =”red”;
function unFocusTr(objTr){
objTr.style.background =”white”;
objTr.style.color =”black”;

<table border=”1″ width=”480px”>
<th>Name</th> <th>Sallary</th> <th>Phone</th>
<tr onmouseover=”focusTr(this)” onmouseout=”unFocusTr(this)”>
<td>Albert</td> <td>9000</td> <td>987457687</td>
<tr onmouseover=”focusTr(this)” onmouseout=”unFocusTr(this)”>
<td>Sunny</td> <td>15000</td> <td>987457887</td>
<tr onmouseover=”focusTr(this)” onmouseout=”unFocusTr(this)”>
<td>Mark</td> <td>63000</td> <td>987457767</td>
<tr onmouseover=”focusTr(this)” onmouseout=”unFocusTr(this)”>
<td>Peeter</td> <td>23000</td> <td>7987554447</td>

example 2

<script type=”text/javascript”>
function clr(objTxt){
objTxt.value = “”;
function fill(objTxt){
if(objTxt.value==””) {
objTxt.value = “enter name”;
Ener Name <br/>
<input type=”text” id=”txtName” value=”enter name” onClick=”clr(this)” onblur=”fill(this)”/>

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