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Useful link for ‘javascript for phone number format’:
mail() function is use to send an email in PHP. Syntax: mail( to, subject, message, headers, parameters ); mail function requires 3 mandatory arguments and 2 optional arguments: Parameter Description to Required field. Specifies the receiver / receivers email id. subject Required field. Specifies the subject of the email. message Required. Specifies the message to
This article is about login and logout functionality with OOPs. There are 4 files used in this script: 1. adminCls.php Class to define member variable and functions related to Admin. 2. index.php is basically a login form, contains html and object of admin class. 3. dashboard.php it’s a secure page and available after successful login.
Today you will see how we can use session for security purpose. In below example I have created “tbl_admin” table to store username and password inside mydb database. Below are the scripts to create table and insert record in it. create table tbl_admin (id int primary key, username varchar(45), password varchar(45)) insert into `tbl_admin` (id,username,password)
Session is a way to make data accessible on various pages of the website. Session stores on server and secure then the cookies. Sessions are also used to store individual user data against a unique SessionId and SessionId can be used to share user information between pages requested. In session variable we can store string
Cookie is used to store information of a web page. It’s often used to identify user by embedding small file on the user’s computer. When same computer requests a page with a browser, it will send the cookie too. There are 2 types of cookies: Temporary cookies: saved in browser’s memory. Erased when browser closed.
Continue to the day 17, now we are going to edit, update and delete records with OOPS Program 52: edit, update and delete code in “db1.php” <?php class emp { var $con = “”; var $id; var $name; var $salary; var $city; function __construct() { $this->con = mysql_connect(‘localhost’,’root’,”); mysql_select_db(‘mydb’,$this->con); } function display() { $query =
In database there are 4 basic functions that we have to perform i.e. Display, Save, Update and Delete. Earlier we have done this without OOPS, now we will do this with OOPS. There are 3 files used in this assignment: db1.php : “emp” class and member functions are defined in this file. display.php : used
Variables are defined in class with ‘var’ keyword. By default variable declared with ‘var’ keyword is publicly assessed, you can also use public $variable instead of var $variable. To access the variables declared in class, we have to use $this keyword. Like shown in blow example. Program 45: Define and access variables in class <?php
Introduction to OOPS Php5 released in 2004 with OOP features like in C# and java. It was the big change in PHP and now we can code with classes and objects in PHP. In next few days, I will guide you how to work with OOP in PHP. let’s take a look terms related to