PHP Archive


Generally we use “<?php ……  ?>” to write the php code, but we can also use “<? ……….. ?>” tags to write the php code, these are call short open tag in php. To make this tag work we have to make “short_open_tag = On” php php.ini file which exists in c:\xampp\php folder.

@ Magic

@ is use to avoid the warning. Example :- when we use session_start(), some time it will display the error “Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by” to avoid this warning we can start session like :- @session_start();

About Php

php is server side scripting language. Php developed in 1995 by Rasmus Lerdorf. Early versions PHP was called Personal Home Page but it not seem to be a technical, so php rename “Hypertext Preprocessor”, or we can say “Personal Home Page Hypertext Preprocessor”. Advantages :- 1) Its free. 2) Open source. 3) Easy to understand.