Codeigniter Archive
14 Dec 2015
print_r shortcut in codeigniter
In codeigniter or php, we frequently use these lines for debugging: echo “<pre>”; print_r($myArray); echo “</pre>”; die; To avoid these lines to write again and again, I have defined a function in my comman_helper (application/helpers/comman_helper.php): <?php if ( ! defined(‘BASEPATH’)) exit(‘No direct script access allowed’); function pr($myArray = array(), $terminate = true) { echo “<pre>”;
26 Dec 2015
CodeIgniter Setup
CodeIgniter is one of the web application framework for PHP with MVC approach. It helps us to build faster web applications with many helpful code libraries and helpers. This article will show you the basics setup of the codeigniter framework, including how to build a basic hello user application that uses the MVC approach. Step
17 Jan 2016
Database Handling in CodeIgniter
In this article, we will configure and work with database in same application “cidemo” as created in previous article of codeigniter, for that let’s create a new database and a table in MySql. Run the below command in your MySql Server: Step 1: Creation a database and table CREATE database mydb CREATE TABLE IF NOT