PHP Archive
17 Nov 2013
Generally we use “<?php …… ?>” to write the php code, but we can also use “<? ……….. ?>” tags to write the php code, these are call short open tag in php. To make this tag work we have to make “short_open_tag = On” php php.ini file which exists in c:\xampp\php folder.
14 Nov 2013
@ Magic
@ is use to avoid the warning. Example :- when we use session_start(), some time it will display the error “Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by” to avoid this warning we can start session like :- @session_start();
14 Nov 2013
About Php
php is server side scripting language. Php developed in 1995 by Rasmus Lerdorf. Early versions PHP was called Personal Home Page but it not seem to be a technical, so php rename “Hypertext Preprocessor”, or we can say “Personal Home Page Hypertext Preprocessor”. Advantages :- 1) Its free. 2) Open source. 3) Easy to understand.